F8 - Voucher Purchase And Withdrawal

A. Step by step process to perform purchase of voucher
  1. Select F8 for voucher transactions
  2. Select L1for purchase
  3. Enter the Amount
  4. Enter the customer reference H/p number
  5. Confirm the customer reference H/p number
  6. Enter 4 digit Secret Pin
  7. Confirm Enter 4 digit Secret Pin
  8. Select Enter to complete transaction & print customer receipt
  9. Select Enter to print merchant copy of receipt

B. Step by step process to perform voucher withdrawal
  1. Select F8 for voucher transactions
  2. Select L2
  3. Enter the token ID(10 digits)
  4. Enter 4 digit Secret Pin
  5. Select Enter to complete transaction & print customer receipt
  6. Select Enter to print merchant copy of receipt
  7. Service center gives customer cash